Applications for EMBO Workshops are accepted twice a year and must be submitted through the online system. Organizers are advised to apply as early as possible in the calendar year preceding the proposed date of the workshop.
Application process:
- The deadlines for applications are 1 March 2024 and 1 August 2024, 12:00 noon CE(S)T.
- Applicants will be asked to complete an online application form and an offline application form: the online form for basic data, such as title, organisers, abstract, keywords etc. and the budget; the offline form as the main application form (in MS Word format) for detailed information, including speaker list and programme. The offline form must be submitted as a PDF via the online application system. The separation of the main application from the basic information will allow organizer groups to work together to finalise their draft.
Please review the most recent application guidelines (dated December 2023) for further details before submitting your application.
Please note: For repeating workshops, a new application is required for each individual meeting within a series, which will be evaluated competitively.
Applicants will be asked to provide the following:
- List of the organizers
- Proposed title and topic of the meeting
- Reasons for holding a meeting on the proposed topic
- Information on any competing or similar meetings held in the current, proposed or following year
- Proposed date and location
- List of proposed speakers and instructors
- Draft programme
- Selection criteria and number of participants
- Draft budget
For detailed information on the application process, key dates and required documentation, please consult the application guidelines.