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Work with an EMBO community member

Open positions in laboratories of EMBO Members, Associate Members and members of the EMBO Young Investigator Network

Current open positions

The following positions in laboratories of EMBO community members are vacant. For information and to apply, please contact the recruiting organization or individual.

  • EMBO Young Investigator NetworkPhDBelgium

    PhD vacancy for project on Mechanisms supporting Extracellular Vesicle (EV) signaling

    Extracellular vesicles (EVs) are organelles resembling viruses (often refer to as ‘exosomes’). EVs mediate cell-tocell communication and are also appreciated for their potential diagnostic and therapeutic applications. Yet, molecular mechanisms supporting EV activities are poorly understood precluding their rational use. The project aims to better understand EV signaling mechanisms and how EV-based therapies should be designed to increase EV-activity and specificity. The project is suitable for life science students with interests in molecular and cellular biology – biochemistry and/or biophysics. The candidate should be highly motivated to learn and apply complementary technological approaches related to EV-analysis and to develop a strong analytical and critical mind. The position is initially funded for 1 year (~2600 €/m) and intended to support the applicant to obtain his/her own fellowship. If the candidate shows high scientific potential up to 3-4 years extra funding is foreseen. Candidates should send their CV and contact information for up to three references to: Prof. Pascale ZIMMERMANN Subject: PhD-EV-signaling More information about the work of the laboratory: Web of Science Researcher ID P-4190-2017 ORCID 0000-0001- 8768-1790
    Position offered by: Pascale Zimmermann
    Institution: KU Leuven
    Application closing date: 31 October 2024
  • EMBO Young Investigator NetworkPhDNetherlands

    Two PhD vacancies for project on Transcription factor binding at the single-molecule level

    At the basis of gene regulation are gene-specific transcription factors (TFs). Previous work from our and other labs (Pomp, Mol Cell, 2024) have shown that many transcription factors bind to DNA cooperatively, but how this cooperativity is established is largely unclear. In the first project (Tineke Lenstra group, NKI), we aim to uncover how transcription factor binding dynamics and cooperativity are regulated by nucleosomes, self-interactions, and DNA shape, and how these mechanisms regulate single-cell transcription dynamics. In the second project (John van Noort group, Leiden University), we will design and build custom chromatin fibers to resolve how these are folded into higher-order structures and how chromatin structure affects transcription factor binding. We will setup a novel single-molecule imaging system to measure and perturb the DNA binding kinetics of transcription factors ex vivo and develop a novel assay to map the position of nucleosomes along single chromatin fibers.
    Position offered by: Tineke Lenstra
    Institution: NKI, Amsterdam and LU, Leiden
    Application closing date: 01 November 2024
  • EMBO Young Investigator NetworkPostdoctoralPortugal

    Postdoc vacancy for project on Cell signalling in T cells

    The Veldhoen-lab is looking for a new colleague! An exciting project focussed on a new signalling pathway in T cells. Are you proficient in cell signalling assays, WBs, IPs, cell fractionations, biochemistry and cell culture, this may be the job for you! Join us in sunny beautiful Lisbon!
    Position offered by: Marc Veldhoen
    Institution: GIMM
    Application closing date: 05 November 2024
  • EMBO Young Investigator NetworkGroup LeaderGermany

    Associate professorship with tenure vacancy in the field of molecular membrane biology

    The Charité is looking for a nationally and internationally recognized scientist in one of the following or similar disciplines: molecular membrane biology, membrane transport, lipid biology, membrane physiology, physiological chemistry of the membrane or cell biology of the membrane. Preference is given to research programs that focus on basic systems approaches that are applicable to multiple physiological processes and are disease-agnostic in nature. The position is scientifically independent and suitable for applicants who conduct both experimental and data-driven research and work on basic or translational projects.
    Position offered by: Markus Ralser
    Institution: Charité Universitaetsmedizin Berlin
    Application closing date: 08 November 2024
  • EMBO Young Investigator NetworkPostdoctoralUnited Kingdom

    Postdoc vacancy for project on Functional diversity of NLRs in bacteria

    We are looking for one Postdoc to work on the ERC Consolidator Grant project BacNLR, which aims to unravel the functional diversity of NLR-like proteins in the antibiotic producing bacteria Streptomyces. The role is initially for three years with the potential to extend to up to five years. The postholder will combine molecular microbiology, protein biochemistry, fluorescence microscopy, and metabolomics to demonstrate the role of NLR-like proteins in regulating antibiotic production and/or bacterial multicellular development and immunity in Streptomyces. We also aim to elucidate the structural basis of NLR protein complexes and their binding partners using cryo-electron microscopy. This project will uncover new roles of NLR signalling pathways and provide an innovative experimental strategy to boost the production of medically important molecules.
    Position offered by: Susan Schlimpert
    Institution: John Innes Centre
    Application closing date: 18 November 2024
  • EMBO Young Investigator NetworkPostdoctoralSwitzerland

    Postdoc vacancy for project on Role of gut and intratumoral microbiota in cancer

    Two postdoctoral positions are available in the Alimonti lab to be part of an ongoing effort to elucidate the role of gut and intratumoral microbiota in cancer. The successful candidates will use and implement an innovative proprietary microfluidic platform to identify bacterial products with anti-cancer properties, apply different approaches (10X genomics single cell, metagenomics, proteomics, metabolomics, drug screenings) and generate novel mouse models to understand how bacteria and fungi control prostate tumor development. We offer a vibrant environment of scientists. We look for highly motivated candidates with outstanding basic and cancer biology and proven microbiology expertise. Experience with in vivo cancer models is mandatory, bioinformatics knowledge is a plus. We require at least one first-author original research publication in a high IF journal, the ability to work independently, interact with colleagues with different backgrounds, and establish relevant collaborations.
    Position offered by: Andrea Alimonti
    Institution: Institute of Oncology Research, Bellinzona
    Application closing date: 18 November 2024
  • EMBO Young Investigator NetworkPostdoctoralFrance

    Postdoc vacancy for project on Revealing the Origine of Autophagosomes

    A three-year ANR funded postdoctoral position is available in our laboratory from January 2025. The project aims to reveal how autophagosomes are formed, which is one of the biggest open questions in the field. Our exciting preliminary study paved the way to answer this question using a novel in vivo reconstitution approach in combination with light and electron microscopy techniques. We are looking for a candidate who is interested to learn and apply interdisciplinary approaches including cutting edge super-resolution microscopy, electron microscopy (CLEM, immune-gold, cryo-EM) and biochemistry. A solid background in one or more of these techniques will be required. Interested candidates should contact me by e-mail (). Please provide your CV, a letter of motivation, the names and contact information for three referees, and your Master and PhD certificates (including grades).
    Position offered by: Thomas Wollert
    Institution: Institut Pasteur
    Application closing date: 25 November 2024
  • EMBO Young Investigator NetworkTechnicianPortugal

    Technician vacancy in the field of Neuronal responses to bacterial signals

    We are looking for a technician with experience in mouse colony management, including genotyping, and routine wet-lab experiments (e.g. immunofluorescence assays). The technician will join a nice research environment and will help the on going projects in the lab.
    Position offered by: Ilana Gabanyi
    Institution: Gulbenkian Institute of Science
    Application closing date: 30 November 2024
  • EMBO Young Investigator NetworkPhDSwitzerland

    PhD vacancy for project on Cell wall structures and protein-polymer complexes

    MSc in Biology, Biochemistry or Physics with a keen interest in Cryo-EM and Cryo-ET and cell wall remodeling and mechanics. Previous experience in Cryo-EM or microscopy is required. Proven skills in image analysis is a plus. Excellent command of English (both written and oral). We are seeking a creative, self-motivated team-player that will integrate with the other plant biologists, biochemists and structural biologist in the group. The project will aim to study native cell wall structures and protein-polymer complexes using cryo-ET. We offer an international and interdisciplinary academic working environment with possibilities of continuous training in different Cryo-ET, Cryo-EM and biochemistry techniques. For more information about the Plant Signaling Mechanisms Lab and the DCI.
    Position offered by: Julia Santiago
    Institution: University of Lausanne
    Application closing date: 30 November 2024
  • EMBO Young Investigator NetworkGroup LeaderTaiwan

    Several faculty position openings

    We are looking for creative scientists to establish their own independent research programs that could strengthen existing research areas at the institute. We are particularly interested in (but not limited to) candidates working in the field of stem cell, organogenesis and regenerative biology/medicine using traditional or non-traditional animal models.
    Position offered by: Chen-Hui Chen
    Institution: Academia Sinica
    Application closing date: 01 December 2024
  • EMBO Young Investigator NetworkPostdoctoralPortugal

    Postdoc vacancy for project on Metabolic mechanisms underlying skeletal ageing

    The Systems Cell Biology Group, led by Dr. Saravana Ramasamy, focuses on uncovering the cellular and systemic mechanisms that drive sex differences in ageing. The group has pioneered several methodologies, including advanced 3D imaging, cell-specific inducible mouse genetics, and a variety of cell and molecular biology techniques to explore the bone marrow microenvironment. One of the lab's projects investigates the metabolic mechanisms underlying skeletal ageing, with the goal of identifying nutrient-based therapeutic strategies for age-related bone and blood diseases. Additionally, the group seeks to further understand the role of adult stem cells in ageing and regeneration. The candidate must hold a PhD in Life Sciences or Health Sciences; and expertise in one of these areas: single cell transcriptomics, 3D cell/ organoid culturing, advanced imaging and organelle biology. We offer full-time contract, at MIA-Portugal, University of Coimbra, Portugal.
    Position offered by: Manuel Santos
    Institution: MIA
    Application closing date: 02 December 2024