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Research integrity

Fostering responsible conduct of research 

EMBO works with life scientists to create environments in which research is pursued responsibly, with integrity and to the highest standards. We help scientists to embed research integrity principles in their work. We engage internationally with stakeholders such as research integrity offices, academies, and funders to improve the governance of research integrity.

EMBO Members and researchers funded by EMBO are expected to observe the fundamental principles for responsible conduct of research laid out in the European Code of Conduct for Research Integrity:

  • Reliability in ensuring the quality of research, reflected in the design, the methodology, the analysis and the use of resources.
  • Honesty in developing, undertaking, reviewing, reporting and communicating research in a transparent, fair, full and unbiased way.
  • Respect for colleagues, research participants, society, ecosystems, cultural heritage and the environment.
  • Accountability for the research from idea to publication, for its management and organisation, for training, supervision and mentoring, and for its wider impacts.

The Policy team conducts one-day sessions to discuss research integrity issues, dilemmas and uncertainties in scientific research, and to encourage responsible research practices among life scientists. The sessions are organized and delivered in close collaboration with EMBO Members in host institutes in EMBC Member States. Read more on the sessions here.

The EMBO Fora on Responsible Research were previously called Research Integrity Workshops.

EMBO provides its members and their lab staff free access to an Epigeum online training course on research integrity, which was co-developed by EMBO. EMBO Members can contact us for instructions and access codes.

EMBO Postdoctoral Fellows are required to take this course, and will receive information on how to access it from the EMBO Fellowship Office.

EMBO Young Investigators are also required to take the course, and will receive information on how to access it from the EMBO Young Investigator Office. The course is also available to their lab members.

World Conferences on Research Integrity (WCRI). EMBO has been a contributor to the World Conferences on Research Integrity since their inception in 2007. These conferences bring together research integrity experts, administrators, funders, editors, scientists, policymakers and representatives of scientific academies to promote integrity in scientific research. EMBO recently presented results and next steps from a Policy Workshop on recognising peer review in research assessment at the WCRI 2024 in Athens.

Peer reviewer credit in research assessment, 5 June 2024 a presentation at the WCRI 2024 to share results and next steps from an EMBO Policy Workshop on recognising peer review in research assessment.

ENRIO. EMBO is affiliated with ENRIO, the European Network of Research Integrity Offices. A non-profit association, ENRIO is one of the key organizations that brings together representatives of national research integrity offices from Europe. Among its objectives is to provide a platform for networking, peer-learning, and the exchange of information and experiences; promote good practice and building capacity through education, advice, events, and training; promote research integrity through partnerships and advocacy.

Path2Integrity. The Policy team was a member of the policymaker and stakeholder board of the project Path2Integrity, funded by the EC Horizon 2020 program. The project focussed on research integrity education and developed formal and informal pathways for teaching research integrity at different levels.

ROSiE. The Policy team EMBO was a member of the stakeholder forum of the EC Horizon 2020 funded ROSiE project (Responsible Open Science in Europe). The project  developed and openly share practical tools that ensure research ethics and research integrity in open science and citizen science.

This page features some helpful resources for research performing organizations to create and maintain research integrity at institutional level, and for researchers to safeguard good research practice.

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