Postdoctoral Fellowships

Supporting internationally mobile postdoctoral researchers in Europe and around the world

Applications accepted throughout the year (next cutoff date – hard deadline: 11 Friday 2025, 14:00 CEST)


EMBO provides grants for host institutions in EMBC Member States to issue employment contracts to EMBO Fellows. Fellows working in other countries than EMBC Member States will receive a stipend.


Please note

These changes affect applicants entering the first evaluation round in 2020 and onwards. Applicants evaluated earlier and current fellows will remain under the stipend-based EMBO Long-Term Fellowships scheme.

EMBO Postdoctoral Fellowships are awarded for a period of two years although shorter durations can be requested. The minimum fellowship duration that can be requested is one year. Fellowships must be started within one calendar year from the relevant evaluation cut-off.

EMBO provides grants to the host institution with the sole intention to cover the cost of an employment contract to be issued by the host institution to the awardee. These costs include employer’s social contributions, awardee’s social contributions, taxes as required by national and local laws and regulations, and the net salary of the awardee. The EMBO Postdoctoral Fellowship does not cover bench fees, overheads, funds for consumables or any other financial benefits to the host supervisor or the receiving institute. The grant rate depends on the country being visited. The transfer of funds is regulated by a grant agreement that will be signed by both EMBO and the host institution. The contract between the host institution and the awardee will be issued by the host institution according to the national and local regulations in each of the EMBC Member States. Please refer to the guidelines for more information.

For children under the age of six, fellows can claim support for incurred child daycare costs up to the amount of 2,500 euros per fellowship year and per child. The corresponding amount is prorated according to the fraction of the year in which child daycare expenses were incurred.

EMBO Fellows based in EMBC countries have access to the welfare system of the hosting country, including child benefits. 

Fellows eligible for the travel and relocation support will receive this as a lump sum, ideally before the start date of their fellowship.

Carefully read the EMBO Postdoctoral Fellowships guidelines for further information.

Every year, fellows awarded three and four years earlier are invited to the EMBO Fellows’ Meeting. These events bring fellows together in a friendly atmosphere to learn, share experiences, and establish new collaborations and contacts. It is also an opportunity to meet the EMBO staff and give feedback and suggestions on the programme.

Every fellow, shortly after being awarded, is invited to join the EMBO Fellows’ Network online community on the dedicated portal.

EMBO encourages current, former and prospective fellows to follow the programme on Facebook and Twitter (@EMBO @EMBOFellows) for further information and events.

EMBO Postdoctoral Fellows are offered to attend a Laboratory Leadership Course for postdocs free of charge during or at the end of their fellowship. The training is currently only possible online. Please note that waivers are available only to a limited number of EMBO Postdoctoral Fellows per year, both previous and current. Places are granted on a strict first come, first served policy and although all fellows will be able to attend the course, there might not be available places for a course on a particular date. Waiver is available within three years of being awarded the fellowship and only if the fellowship is held for at least six months.

Carefully read the EMBO Postdoctoral Fellowships guidelines for further information.

EMBO Fellows based in non-EMBC Member States are entitled to receive an additional allowance for dependent children under the age of 18. The value of the allowance depends on the country being visited.

See the stipend rate sheet for further information.

Fellows based in EMBC Member States whose children are born during their fellowship are entitled to request an extension of their fellowship at no cost for EMBO in the case that they take parental leave whose costs are covered by the country welfare system and/or by the Hosting Institute. Part of the funds transferred to the Hosting Institute is used to cover the social contribution of the fellow, therefore the fellow has access to the welfare system of the hosting country to get parental benefits. The extension needs to be requested by the host supervisor to the EMBO Fellowship office before the end of the fellowship.

Fellows based in  non-EMBC Member States whose children are born during their fellowship are entitled to three months paid parental leave. Fellows who take parental leave during the fellowship are entitled to an extension of their fellowship for an equivalent period. This extension must be requested by the host supervisor at the end of the fellowship. Parental leave must begin within six months of the birth of a child.

Fellows must inform the EMBO Fellowship Office of their intention to take parental leave.

Fellows based in EMBC member states can request to  work part-time (50% or 75% of full time) during the fellowship at no cost for EMBO. The request shall be discussed with the Host Institute and Host Supervisor, and the EMBO Fellowship Office shall be notified. The maximum fellowship duration (full-time plus part-time) must not exceed 36 months.

Fellows based in non-EMBC member states can request to  work part-time (50% or 75% of full time) during the fellowship. The request shall be discussed with the Host Supervisor and the EMBO Fellowship Office. The maximum fellowship duration (full-time plus part-time) must not exceed 36 months.

Fellowships in EMBC/EMBO global partners (Chile, India, Singapore, Taiwan) and non-member states.

Fellows outside EMBC Member States receive a stipend for two years unless a shorter time is requested (minimum of one year) and have access to child care allowance, relocation allowance, EMBO Fellows’ network activities and Laboratory Leadership courses, similar to fellows in EMBC Member States.

The stipend is solely intended to cover the cost of living in the host country. The EMBO Postdoctoral Fellowship does not cover bench fees, overheads, funds for consumables or any other financial benefits to the host supervisor or the receiving institute. The stipend rate depends on the country being visited and might be subject to taxation.

EMBO cannot advise on national tax regulations and we recommend fellows to contact the relevant authorities in the host country.