New Venture Fellowships

Supporting young scientists to enter a new field

Applications accepted throughout the year


All applications are examined by the EMBO Fellowship Office to ensure that they are complete and eligible. Receipt of complete applications will be acknowledged via email. Final decisions will be made by the EMBO Fellowship Head based on reports provided by the EMBO Short-Term Grants Advisory Board.

Applications are assessed by the following criteria:

  • The biological significance of the project and future work, including its aim to increase our knowledge on a particular biological process
  • The quality, feasibility, and novelty of the project to be carried out in the hosting laboratory
  • Justification of the research visit with regards to the applicant’s scientific vision
  • Justification of how the project is different from the applicant’s current work and how it will transform their career trajectory
  • The suitability of the host laboratory for the proposed work
  • CV of the candidate
  • Reference letters demonstrating the credibility of the candidate and their ability to succeed in a new area of research