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The enemy of my enemy

The return of phage therapy

22 October 2021 – Pediatric infectious disease physician Ameneh Khatami, senior author Jonathan Iredell and their collaborators recently published in EMBO Molecular Medicine the story of a seven-year-old girl infected with a multi-drug resistant Pseudomonas strain. The team resorted to an experimental treatment with a long history, phage therapy. In this episode of the EMBO podcast, Khatami told us the story of her young patient. We’ll also hear about a very sick sea turtle and discuss the challenges of interpreting single-patient studies.

Note: We’d like to thank Dmitriy Myelnikov (University of Manchester) and Jessica Sacher (Phage Directory) for their participation in this episode.

The EMBO podcast
The EMBO podcast
The enemy of my enemy

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